Proposed Changes To Breaststroke Rules
FINA will soon discuss a proposed change of rules for breaststroke.
The proposed changes are
After the start, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely back to the legs during which the swimmer may be completely submerged for a distance of not more than 15 metres. Multiple Butterfly kicks are permitted while completely submerged. Once the swimmer's head breaks the surface of the water, the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order. All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating movement. At the last stroke before the turn and at the finish an arm stroke not followed by a leg kick is permitted.
SW 7.2 [new]
After each turn, the swimmers may take one stroke completely back to the legs during which the swimmer may be completely submerged. A single butterfly kick is permitted while completely submerged. Once the swimmer's head breaks the surface of the water, the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one breaststroke leg kick in that order.
These rules would replace the current rule which states:
After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely back to the legs during which the swimmer may be submerged. A single butterfly kick is permitted during the first arm stroke, followed by a breaststroke kick.
Watch this space!